BPAA: Call & Visit # 01 Evaluation


Boardwalk Bowl
115 Cliff Street
Santa Cruz CA US 95060

Location: 01

Franchisee: Boardwalk Bowl
   Willie King (willie_king@scseaside.com)
0% : Overall Score (0/178)
0%: Website (0/5)
0%: Phone Call (0/8)
0%: Building (0/17)
0%: Bowling (0/41)
0%: Snack Bar (0/24)
0%: Bar (0/20)
0%: Arcade & Prize Center (0/20)
0%: Overall (0/39)
0%: Overall Competitive Comparison (0/4)

0%: Building Maintenance (0/11)
0%: Restrooms (0/6)
0%: Bowling Counter Area (0/13)
0%: Bowling Counter Team Member (0/11)
0%: Bowling Lane Area (0/17)
0%: Snack Bar Area (0/5)
0%: Snack Bar Team Member (0/13)
0%: Snack Bar Food (0/6)
0%: Bar Area (0/5)
0%: Bartender (0/12)
0%: Drinks (0/3)
0%: Arcade & Prize Area (0/9)
0%: Prize Center Team Member (0/11)

Scoring Rules:
* N/A answers are omitted from scoring
    (total possible points will vary from shop to shop)

Question Score Answer
Visit Date  
Weather conditions:  
Shopper's gender and age:  
Shopper's occupation:  
Shopper's hometown:  
Other guests' ages:  
Time arrived:  
Time departed:  
0% (0/5)
1. Website layout was easy to understand?  0/1 
2. Website was easy to navigate?  0/1 
3. Website contained adequate information?  0/1 
4. Birthday information was easy to find?  0/1 
5. Website portrayed a fun, safe, and entertaining location?  0/1 
Website Summary Narrative (Please provide a brief but clear summary of this section and explain any questions that are answered in the negative with what was wrong):

Phone Call
0% (0/8)
1. Phone system was easy to navigate?  0/1 
2. Recordings and menus were clear and easy to understand?  0/1 
3. Phone was answered within 3 rings on first attempt?  0/1 
4. How many attempts did you make before reaching someone?  
5. How many rings before phone was answered?  
6. Date of call:  
7. Time evaluated:  
8. Team member identified self and location?  0/1 
9. Employee Name:  
10. Employee gave a friendly and welcoming greeting? (List exact greeting given by employee in the narrative below.)  0/1 
11. Were they able to answer questions about center hours, specials, open play, leagues, tournaments, etc?  0/1 
12. Provided a pleasant closing?  0/1 
13. Provided a positive first impression of the facility?  0/1 
Phone Call Narrative (Please provide a brief but clear summary of this section and explain any questions that are answered in the negative with what was wrong):

0% (0/17)
Building Maintenance
0% (0/11)
1. Facility was clearly marked and easy to locate?  0/1 
2. Parking lot was free of trash or litter?  0/1 
3. The sidewalk/building entrance was free of trash or litter?  0/1 
4. The landscaping was free of trash or litter?  0/1 
5. Exterior trash cans or ashtrays were clean and not full or overflowing?  0/1 
6. Landscaping was well maintained, not overgrown, with no excessive weeds?  0/1 
7. The pavement was clean and not dirty or stained?  0/1 
8. Parking lot was well maintained (no pot holes or faded paint)?  0/1 
9. All windows and doors were clean and free of smudges?  0/1 
10. The center's sign was fully lit, if after dark?  0/1 
11. All lights were on and not flickering or burned out?  0/1 
Building Maintenance Narrative (Please provide a brief but clear summary of this section and explain any questions that are answered in the negative with what was wrong):

0% (0/6)
1. Restrooms were easy to find/adequate?  0/1 
2. Specific location:  
3. Time evaluated:  
3. Time evaluated:  
4. Restrooms were clear of water and trash?  0/1 
5. They were well stocked with adequate supplies?  0/1 
6. Were they pleasant smelling?  0/1 
7. Were the restroom facilities in good repair and working correctly?  0/1 
8. Trash containers were available and recently emptied?  0/1 
Restrooms Narrative (Please provide a brief but clear summary of this section and explain any questions that are answered in the negative with what was wrong):

0% (0/41)
Bowling Counter Area
0% (0/13)
1. Area was clearly marked and easy to locate?  0/1 
2. The floor near the counter was clean and free of trash?  0/1 
3. Any lines were organized and moved quickly?  0/1 
4. Number of people in line ahead of you?  
5. How long did you wait to be helped? (If longer than 3 minutes explain what the employees were doing when you approached in the narrative below.)  
6. How many employees were working at the counter?  
7. Prices were clearly posted and easy to understand?  0/1 
8. All menu/price boards were complete and in good shape?  0/1 
9. Promotional materials were clearly displayed at the counter?  0/1 
10. The counters were clean and free of dust or debris?  0/1 
11. Any glass surfaces were clean and free of smudges?  0/1 
12. The counters were organized and not overly cluttered?  0/1 
13. Discounts or special rates were advertised?  0/1 
14. Promotional signs at the counter were up to date?  0/1 
15. How long were you told the wait for a lane would be?  
16. How long did you wait for an open lane?  
17. An adequate number of shoes were available for rent?  0/1 
18. Shoes were well maintained and in good condition?  0/1 
Were you given a receipt for your purchase?  
If so, please upload a copy of your receipt.

Please enter the amount from the receipt above.  
Bowling Counter Area Narrative (Please provide a brief but clear summary of this section and explain any questions that are answered in the negative with what was wrong):

Bowling Counter Team Member
0% (0/11)
1. Team member greeted you pleasantly?  0/1 
2. Smiled and made eye contact?  0/1 
3. Employee Name and description:  
4. Time evaluated:  
5. Was in uniform and neatly groomed?  0/1 
6. Had a name tag or embroidered name clearly displayed?  0/1 
7. Demonstrated knowledge of attraction/prices?  0/1 
8. Answered your questions adequately?  0/1 
9. Made suggestions/informed you of discounts or specials?  0/1 
10. Handled transaction efficiently and correctly?  0/1 
11. Gave proper change/checked signature/ID (if applicable)?  0/1 
12. Projected a friendly and positive attitude?  0/1 
13. Thanked you and/or provided a pleasant closing?  0/1 
Bowling Counter Team Member Narrative (Please provide a brief but clear summary of this section and explain any questions that are answered in the negative with what was wrong):

Bowling Lane Area
0% (0/17)
1. The bowling lane area was clean and well maintained?  0/1 
2. Floors in the lane area were clean and free of trash?  0/1 
3. The tables in the area were clean and free of trash?  0/1 
4. All chairs and tables were in good condition?  0/1 
5. Promotional materials in the area were up to date?  0/1 
6. Lanes were well maintained and functioning correctly?  0/1 
7. Scorekeeping machine was easy to use/working correctly?  0/1 
8. Lane area was fun and appealing?  0/1 
9. Bowling was fun to play at this facility?  0/1 
10. How would you rate the appearance of the seating area? (0-4; 0-Low / 4-High)  0/4 
11. How would you rate the appearance of the bowling lanes? (0-4; 0-Low / 4-High)  0/4 
Bowling Lane Area Narrative (Please provide a brief but clear summary of this section and explain any questions that are answered in the negative with what was wrong):

Snack Bar
0% (0/24)
Snack Bar Area
0% (0/5)
1. Area was clean and free of trash?  0/1 
2. Time Evaluated:  
3. How long did you wait to be helped?  
4. Number of people in line ahead of you?  
5. Menu & prices were clearly posted/easy to understand?  0/1 
6. Payment options were clearly posted?  0/1 
7. The menu offered a wide variety of items?  0/1 
8. How many employees were working at the counter?  
9. Amount of minutes it took to receive your order?  
10. Condiments, napkins, and straws were available?  0/1 
Were you given a receipt for your purchase?  
If so, please upload a copy of your receipt.

Please enter the amount from the receipt above.  
Snack Bar Narrative (Please provide a brief but clear summary of this section and explain any questions that are answered in the negative with what was wrong):

Snack Bar Team Member
0% (0/13)
1. Greeted you pleasantly?  0/1 
2. Smiled and made eye contact?  0/1 
3. Was in uniform and neatly groomed?  0/1 
4. Had a name tag or embroidered name clearly displayed?  0/1 
5. Employee Name and description:  
6. Demonstrated knowledge of menu?  0/1 
7. Answered your questions adequately?  0/1 
8. Asked if you needed anything else or made suggestions?  0/1 
9. Gave proper change/checked signature/ID (if applicable)?  0/1 
10. Gave you adequate receipt?  0/1 
11. Handled transaction efficiently and correctly?  0/1 
12. Projected a friendly and positive attitude?  0/1 
13. Behaved professionally at all times?  0/1 
14. Thanked you and/or provided a pleasant closing?  0/1 
Snack Bar Team Member Narrative: (Please provide a brief but clear summary of this section and explain any questions that are answered in the negative with what was wrong):

Snack Bar Food
0% (0/6)
1. Food was prepared according to order?  0/1 
2. Food appeared appetizing?  0/1 
3. Food temperature was correct?  0/1 
4. Food was prepared well and seasoned appropriately?  0/1 
5. Ingredients were fresh and of high quality?  0/1 
6. Food tasted appealing?  0/1 
Food Narrative: (Please provide a brief but clear summary of this section and explain any questions that are answered in the negative with what was wrong):

Food Ordered
What did you order and what did it come with?

0% (0/20)
Bar Area
0% (0/5)
1. Area was clean and free of trash?  0/1 
2. Time Evaluated:  
3. How long did you wait to be helped?  0/1 
4. Drink specials were listed on signs or placards?  0/1 
5. The bar had a pleasant atmosphere?  0/1 
6. Counters were clean, free of spills, and dry?  0/1 
Were you given a receipt for your purchase?  
If so, please upload a copy of your receipt.

Please enter the amount from the receipt above.  
Bar Area Narrative: (Please provide a brief but clear summary of this section and explain any questions that are answered in the negative with what was wrong):

0% (0/12)
1. Greeted you pleasantly?  0/1 
2. Smiled and made eye contact?  0/1 
3. Was in uniform and neatly groomed?  0/1 
4. Had a name tag or embroidered name clearly displayed?  0/1 
5. Employee Name and description:  
6. Demonstrated drink knowledge?  0/1 
7. If you ordered a cocktail, did they suggest a premium brand?  0/1 
8. If you are under 35 years old, were you asked for ID?  0/1 
9. Amount of time it took to receive your drinks?  
10. Handled your drinks efficiently?  0/1 
11. Handled transaction efficiently and correctly?  0/1 
12. Gave proper change/checked signature/ID (if applicable)?  0/1 
13. Projected a friendly and positive attitude?  0/1 
14. Thanked you and/or provided a pleasant closing?  0/1 
Bartender Narrative: (Please provide a brief but clear summary of this section and explain any questions that are answered in the negative with what was wrong):

0% (0/3)
1. Drinks were made correctly?  0/1 
2. Drinks tasted good/appropriate flavor?  0/1 
3. Drinks were served at the appropriate temperature?  0/1 
Drinks Narrative: (Please provide a brief but clear summary of this section and explain any questions that are answered in the negative with what was wrong):

Drinks Ordered
What drink did you order and how was it prepared?

Arcade & Prize Center
0% (0/20)
Arcade & Prize Area
0% (0/9)
1. Area was clearly marked and easy to locate?  0/1 
2. Time evaluated:  
3. Area was clean and free of trash?  0/1 
4. All games were clean and in good condition?  0/1 
5. Most games were functioning correctly?  0/1 
6. Change/tokens were readily available/easy to acquire?  0/1 
7. Did you notice any games marked out of order?  0/1 
7a. If so, how many?  
8. Prizes were organized/attractively displayed?  0/1 
9. Prizes were in adequate supply/well stocked?  0/1 
10. Prize point levels/amounts were clearly labeled?  0/1 
Were you given a receipt for your purchase?  
If so, please upload a copy of your receipt.

Please enter the amount from the receipt above.  
Arcade and Prize Center Narrative: (Please provide a brief but clear summary of this section and explain any questions that are answered in the negative with what was wrong):

Prize Center Team Member
0% (0/11)
1. Greeted you pleasantly?  0/1 
2. Smiled and made eye contact?  0/1 
3. Was in uniform and neatly groomed?  0/1 
4. Had a name tag or embroidered name clearly displayed?  0/1 
5. Employee Name and description:  
6. Handled change efficiently?  0/1 
7. Handled refund situation pleasantly and promptly?  0/1 
8. Handled receipts and prizes efficiently/correctly?  0/1 
9. Awarded extra or larger prizes when asked?  0/1 
10. Allowed you to buy a prize(s) when asked?  0/1 
11. Made suggestions/was helpful?  0/1 
12. Thanked you and/or provided a pleasant closing?  0/1 
Were you given a receipt for your purchase?  
If so, please upload a copy of your receipt.

Please enter the amount from the receipt above.  
Prize Center Team Narrative: (Please provide a brief but clear summary of this section and explain any questions that are answered in the negative with what was wrong):

0% (0/39)
For this section, please provide ratings from 0-4, where 0 is low and 4 is high.
1. Overall impression of facility personnel:  0/4 
2. Overall impression of facility conditions:  0/4 
3. Overall impression of bowling lanes/experience:  0/4 
4. Overall impression of food service:  0/4 
5. Overall impression of bar service:  0/4 
6. Overall impression of food / drinks:  0/4 
7. How satisfied were you with your overall experience?  0/4 
8. Would you return to this facility based on this experience?  0/1 
9. Please rate this question on a scale of 0-10. Based on this experience, how likely are you to recommend this center to family and friends?  0/10 
Overall Narrative: (Please provide a brief but clear summary of this section and explain any questions that are answered in the negative with what was wrong):

What two things could be done to improve your experience?

Most Memorable
What will you remember most about your experience?

Overall Competitive Comparison
On a scale of 0-4, how do you rate this facility compared to others you have visited?  0/4 
Please provide a summary narrative on your comparison score above:

Outstanding Team Member
Employee Name and description:  
Time Evaluated:  
Specific Location:  
Outstanding Team Member Narrative: (Please provide a brief but clear summary of this section and explain any questions that are answered in the negative with what was wrong):